i want to sell the spoils of war after completing a quest but i always run into storage problems resulting in being overencumbered need advice
To manage weight limits effectively start with the Strength stat since each point gives you 10 more pounds to work with. Smart inventory management comes down to a few key things, like making sure your horse has upgraded saddlebags and focusing on items worth their weight.
Keep your eyes on value-to-weight ratios whenever looting and dont hesitate to use those storage chests in lodgings, since they're unlimited and share contents across locations. Perks like Pack Mule and Well-Built are absolutely essential, giving you significant carry bonuses that stack with your Strength gains.
For immediate solutions when youre overloaded, drop low-value items in safe spots temporarily, repair weapons at grindstones before selling, and make regular merchant runs to offload excess gear. The inventory filters help you quickly sort through different item types, which is crucial during longer looting sessions. If youre really committed to maximizing capacity, walking while overencumbered at low health builds both Strength and Vitality but watch your surroundings carefully when doing this. With the right combination of stats perks and equipment upgrades, you can push your carry weight from the basic 110 pounds all the way past 300, making those treasure hunting trips much more profitable.
A thrilling story-driven action RPG, with a rich open world, set in 15th century Medieval Europe. Experience the ultimate medieval adventure - through the eyes of young Henry - as you embark on a journey of epic proportions.
Warhorse Studios
Deep Silver
Action, Adventure, RPG
PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Windows
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