And where is he located in black myth?
Yeah you definitely want to chat with Pale-Axe multiple times throughout your journey its actually super important for unlocking some really good content. Each time you bump into him especially around Woods of Ember and Furnace Valley, make sure to run through all his dialogue options cause theres usually something new to learn. Found this out the hard way myself when I almost missed the whole Bishui Cave area cause I didnt talk to him enough, and trust me you dont want to skip that content
The whole Five Element Carts stuff is particularly important so whenever he mentions anything about those carts, pay extra attention cause itll help you progress that storyline. Something I learned is that after big story moments, its worth checking back with him cause he usually has new things to say about whats going on. The conversations around Furnace Valley, and Field of Fire are especially important for triggering that Rusty-Gold Cart boss fight which is pretty epic
Just keep talking to him until he starts repeating himself, thats usually a good sign youve gotten everything you can from that conversation. Also while youre chatting with him, keep an eye out for any hints about the area youre in cause he tends to drop some useful info about hidden stuff nearby. And dont worry about bothering him too much - you cant really overdo it with the conversations, but you can definitely miss out by not talking enough. If you notice some dialogue options are locked just progress the main story a bit and come back, usually opens up new stuff to talk about
Black Myth: Wukong is an action RPG rooted in Chinese mythology. You shall set out as the Destined One to venture into the challenges and marvels ahead, to uncover the obscured truth beneath the veil of a glorious legend from the past.
Game Science
Game Science
Action, Adventure, RPG
PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Windows
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