I heard black loong has some pretty good loot. Where can I find him?
Head over to Sandgate Village after beating the King of Flowing Sands and Second Rat Prince thats your starting point. First thing youll need is the Loong Scales which is pretty tricky to get but worth it. When youre fighting the First Prince of Flowing Sands, get him to smash the mural wall in his arena you can do this by standing near it and baiting his slam attack, or just taking a hit while hes charging at the wall. Once its broken theres a chest inside with the Loong Scales waiting for you.
Now make your way to Fright Cliff in Yellow Wind Ridge and look for the sand waterfall right next to Rockrest Flat Shrine, the scales will let you pass through it straight to Black Loongs arena. Maybe interesting but his first phase is all about watching his tail swipes, they come fast but theres always a slight glow before he strikes. When he hits half health, he gets way more aggressive adding these nasty poison clouds you really need to watch your positioning.
Tip for newer players dont rush into this fight right after getting access, seriously take some time to level up and get better gear cause this ones pretty brutal especially in the second phase when he starts doing those rapid diving attacks from above. The best spots to hit him are right after his poison breath attack, just dodge to the side and youll have a good 2-3 seconds to get some hits in, but dont get greedy cause his recovery attacks come out super fast.
Black Myth: Wukong is an action RPG rooted in Chinese mythology. You shall set out as the Destined One to venture into the challenges and marvels ahead, to uncover the obscured truth beneath the veil of a glorious legend from the past.
Game Science
Game Science
Action, Adventure, RPG
PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Windows
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