in my current playthrough im doing a roleplay as a lone stalker who hunts monolith forces. To top it off i need you guys' help on dealing against them in large numbers
When dealing with those tough Monolith squads, you'll want to find high ground first - rooftops or big rocks work great since they cant flank you as easily up there. The really tricky part is dealing with their specialists, so getting a suppressed rifle and picking off their snipers and explosives guys before they can coordinate is super important. Good to know that their patrol routes are pretty predictable, so tossing grenades where they bunch up works really well, especially if you time it right when multiple groups converge. Something interesting about these fights is how their AI adapts to where youre shooting from, so youll want to keep changing positions after taking shots. If youre running low on supplies, watch their patrol patterns and only take out the ones you absolutely need to - they follow specific routes so its not too hard to slip past some of them.
Just remember to always keep a few escape routes in mind, and watch out for anomalies they might try to push you into. Quick ambushes usually work way better than getting into long shootouts with these guys, since their armor can really eat up your ammo if youre not careful.
Discover the vast Chornobyl Exclusion Zone full of dangerous enemies, deadly anomalies and powerful artifacts. Unveil your own epic story as you make your way to the Heart of Chornobyl. Make your choices wisely, as they will determine your fate in the end.
GSC Game World
GSC Game World, SEGA, 4divinity
Action, Adventure, RPG
Xbox Series X|S, Windows
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