Star Trek: Shattered Universe
Cheat mode:
You must be on the menu screen that looks like you are on the
bridge of the Excelsior to enter the following codes. When you
do, a text response will appear in the top right corner of the
menu to confirm correct code entry.
All ships:
Press Black, L, X, L, X, R(2), B, White at the bridge screen.
Level select:
Press Black, R, L, B, X, L, R, Y, White at the bridge screen.
Press Black, L, B, L, R, Y(2), B, White at the bridge screen.
All medals and ranks:
Press Black, L, R, L, B, R, Y, L, White at the bridge screen.
Kobayashi Maru difficulty setting:
Press Black, L, Y, L(2), X, Y, R, White at the bridge screen.