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All Psi powers:
Hold L + R and quickly press B(2), Y, White, click Left Analog-stick, 
press Y during game play. 

Maximum rank and all Psi powers:
Hold L + R and quickly click Left Analog-stick, Right Analog-stick, 
Left Analog-stick, press White, B, White during game play 

Full lives:
Hold L + R and quickly click Left Analog-stick, press White(2), B, A, 
click Right Analog-stick during game play. 

Full ammunition:
Hold L + R and quickly click Right Analog-stick, press A, click Left 
Analog-stick(2), press Y, B during game play. 

Hold L + R and quickly press B, White, B(2), Y, Black during game play. 

Full Arrowheads:
Hold L + R and quickly press A, click Right Analog-stick(2), press White, 
Y, X during game play. 

All items:
Hold L + R and quickly click Right Analog-stick, press B, White(2), click 
Left Analog-stick, press Y during game play.

New text:
Hold L + R and quickly press White, A, click Left Analog-stick, press 
White(2), B during game play. This code replaces the characters names with 
developer names, shows captions for all the dialogue, and changes the text 
to numbers and symbols.

Danworld Network
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