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Megaman X3

X-Saber enhancement:
Enter 3317-8353-6772-3824 as a password. Defeating Byte:
Another way to defeat Byte is to intentionally run into him when he shoots his pod across the screen, right before he dashes. He will dash across the screen and leave Megaman with just a small amount of damage.
----------------------------------------------------- Level Password Neon Tiger 3723-1283-1751-1456 Gravity Beetle 7743-5256-1441-5486 Blast Hornet 7745-5253-1441-5486 Blizzard Buffalo 5275-1266-1751-5458 Tunnel Rhino 5765-1263-1756-5488 Volt Catfish 5768-1267-4758-5488 Toxic Seahorse 2376-2163-6258-7841 Crush Crawfish 8216-4156-6742-3821 Dr. Doppler's Lab 8317-1683-6772-3876

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