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X-Men: Children of the Atom

Play as Akuma:

 For Player One: Put the  cursor  on  Spiral  and let it rest there for
 three seconds. Then move the  cursor  over the  following  fighters in
 this  order  without  stopping:  Silver  Samurai,  Psylocke, Colossus,
 Iceman,  Colossus,  Wolverine,  Omega  Red, then move the cursor  onto
 Silver  Samurai and let it rest for three seconds.  Then press buttons
 A, C, and Z simultaneously. Akuma drops down.

 For Player Two: Put the  cursor  on  Storm  and let it rest  there for
 three seconds.  Then move the cursor over the  following  fighters  in
 this  order  without  stopping: Cyclops,  Colossus,  Iceman, Sentinel,
 Omega Red, Wolverine,  Psylocke,  Silver Samurai, then move the cursor
 onto  Spiral  and let it rest for three seconds. Then press buttons A,
 C, and Z simultaneously. Akuma drops down.

Short Cut Mode:

 Note: This  only  works  in the  "Versus Mode."  To take a  short  cut
 between matches that almost completely eliminates the load times, wait
 until you get to the  "Result"  screen after a match.  At the "Result"
 screen, highlight the  word "Continue," and  press  and hold the top L
 and R buttons.  Keep the buttons held down and press Start. This takes
 you to a "Short Cut"  screen where you can switch fighters, change the
 handicap, and select the stage.

Screen Sizes:

 At  the  title  screen,  highlihgt  Options, then  choose  Difficulty.
 Repeatedly press Up, then Down until a new option, Screen Size,
 appears at the bottom. Now you can play with Saturn or Arcade screen

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