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Heavenly Sword

Glyph bonuses:
Collect the indicated number of glyphs to unlock the corresponding bonus. 

 Snowy Fort concept art: 1 glyph 
 Back of Snowy Fort art: 2 glyphs 
 Introduction "making of" video: 3 glyphs 
 Shen concept art: 4 glyphs 
 Shen with staff: 5 glyphs 
 Kai concept: 6 glyphs 
 The Legend Of The Sword animated prologue: 7 glyphs 
 Kai early concept art: 8 glyphs 
 Nariko color sketch: 9 glyphs 
 Angel's Grave speed stance combo: 10 glyphs 
 Heaven's Ascent speed stance combo: 10 glyphs 
 Swordsman concept: 11 glyphs 
 Nariko pencil sketch: 12 glyphs 
 Nariko early cover: 13 glyphs 
 Hell's Envy power stance combo: 14 glyphs 
 Hell's Wrath power stance combo: 14 glyphs 
 Young Kai concept art: 15 glyphs 
 Flying Angel aerial combo: 16 glyphs 
 Bohan armor concept art: 17 glyphs 
 Compassion level 2 superstyle: 18 glyphs 
 Lingering Touch level 2 superstyle: 18 glyphs 
 Startled Lover level 2 superstyle: 18 glyphs 
 Chapter 5 Port concept art: 19 glyphs 
 Nariko promo screenshot: 20 glyphs 
 Bohan weapon concept art: 21 glyphs 
 Angelic Fury speed stance combo: 22 glyphs 
 Twin Angels speed stance combo: 22 glyphs 
 Nariko costume concept art: 23 glyphs 
 Laughing Devil power stance combo: 24 glyphs 
 Striking Hell power stance combo: 24 glyphs 
 Flying Fox costume concept art: 25 glyphs 
 Andy Serkis as Bohan art: 26 glyphs 
 Nariko with Heavenly Sword: 27 glyphs 
 Bladed Downfall aerial combo: 28 glyphs 
 Kai with bow concept art: 29 glyphs 
 Flying Fox facial concept art: 30 glyphs 
 Nariko promo screenshot (second): 31 glyphs 
 Bohan early concept art: 33 glyphs 
 Twisted Soul ranged stance combo: 33 glyphs 
 Violent Tempest ranged stance combo: 33 glyphs 
 Kai early concept art (second): 34 glyphs 
 Axeman concept art: 35 glyphs 
 Whiptail Eel concept art: 36 glyphs 
 Bringing Design To Life "making of" video: 37 glyphs 
 Whiptail early concept art: 38 glyphs 
 Bohan promo screenshot: 39 glyphs 
 Andy Serkis as Bohan (second) art: 40 glyphs 
 Roach concept art: 41 glyphs 
 Capturing Performance "making of" video: 42 glyphs 
 Throne Room concept art: 43 glyphs 
 Bohan early concept art (second): 44 glyphs 
 Whiptail early concept art (second): 45 glyphs 
 Kai promo screenshot: 46 glyphs 
 Guardians Of The Sword animated prologue: 47 glyphs 
 Adoring Traveler level 3 superstyle: 48 glyphs 
 Stolen Kiss level 3 superstyle: 48 glyphs 
 Whirling Passion level 3 superstyle: 48 glyphs 
 Bohan promo screenshot (second): 49 glyphs 
 The Sword early concept art: 50 glyphs 
 Swordsman concept art (second): 51 glyphs 
 Bazooka concept art: 52 glyphs 
 Central Hall early concept art: 53 glyphs 
 Soaring Embrace aerial combo: 54 glyphs 
 Enviornment early concept art: 55 glyphs 
 Prison Approach concept art: 56 glyphs 
 Forest Patch concept art: 57 glyphs 
 Angel's Smite speed stance combo: 58 glyphs 
 Heaven's Spiral speed stance combo: 58 glyphs 
 Heavenly Storm speed stance combo: 58 glyphs 
 Enviornment early concept art (second): 59 glyphs 
 Heavenly Sword concept art: 60 glyphs 
 Falling Blossom aerial combo: 61 glyphs 
 Natural Bridge concept art: 62 glyphs 
 Clansmen concept art: 63 glyphs 
 Nariko imprisoned concept art: 64 glyphs 
 Blade of the Devil power stance combo: 65 glyphs  
 Raising Hell power stance combo: 65 glyphs 
 Chainman concept art: 66 glyphs 
 Arena concept art: 67 glyphs 
 Angel's Crop speed stance combo: 68 glyphs 
 Angel's Harvest speed stance combo: 68 glyphs 
 Arena balcony concept art: 69 glyphs 
 Ranged Attack cover art: 70 glyphs 
 Bazooka cover art: 71 glyphs 
 Early packaging concept art: 72 glyphs 
 Nariko cover art: 73 glyphs 
 Divine Storm ranged stance combo: 74 glyphs 
 Unfurling Wrath ranged stance combo: 74 glyphs 
 Whiptail costume art: 75 glyphs 
 Whiptail promo screenshot: 76 glyphs 
 The Sound Of Combat "making of" video: 77 glyphs 
 Oraguman concept art: 78 glyphs 
 Oraguman sketch: 79 glyphs 
 Nariko early concept art: 80 glyphs 
 Desert Battleground concept art: 81 glyphs 
 Young Nariko sketch: 82 glyphs 
 Roach weapon concept art: 83 glyphs 
 Assassin weapon concept art: 84 glyphs 
 Assasin concept art: 85 glyphs 
 Creating The Music "making of" video: 86 glyphs 
 Nariko early concept art (second): 87 glyphs 
 Anime character concept art: 88 glyphs 
 Decrepit temple concept art: 89 glyphs 
 Bohan and Raven concept art: 90 glyphs 
 Water Lift concept art: 91 glyphs 
 Tower Interior concept art: 92 glyphs 
 Desert Fort concept art: 93 glyphs 
 Commander concept art: 94 glyphs 
 Water Temple Interior: 95 glyphs 
 Andy Serkis as Bohan (third) art: 96 glyphs 
 Bohan cover art: 97 glyphs 
 Packaging artwork: 98 glyphs 
 Desert Buildings concept art: 99 glyphs 
 Rain Battle concept art: 100 glyphs 
 Nariko approaching cage: 101 glyphs 
 Back of Snowy Fort (second) art: 102 glyphs 
 Encampment concept art: 103 glyphs 
 Crossbowman concept art: 104 glyphs 
 Bohan Armor concept art (second): 105 glyphs 
 Early Bohan weapon concept art: 106 glyphs 
 The Sword Landscape concept art: 107 glyphs 
 The Sword Landscape painting: 108 glyphs 
 Nariko early concept art (third): 109 glyphs 
 Power Stance cover art: 110 glyphs 
 Early Pond concept art: 111 glyphs 
 Prison Exterior concept art: 112 glyphs 
 Prison Interior concept art: 113 glyphs 
 Encampment concept art (second): 114 glyphs 
 Enviornment early concept art (third): 115 glyphs 
 Desert Level concept art: 116 glyphs 
 Raven concept art: 117 glyphs 
 Heaven and Hell concept art: 118 glyphs 
 Andy Serkis facial sketch: 119 glyphs 
 Raven God facial sketch: 120 glyphs 
 Raven God concept art: 121 glyphs 
 Raven God early concept art: 122 glyphs 
 Bohan early concept art (third): 123 glyphs 
 Funeral Boat concept art: 124 glyphs 
 Funeral Landscape concept art: 125 glyphs 
 Funeral Landscape painting: 126 glyphs 
 Kai promo screenshot (second): 127 glyphs 
 Shen promo screenshot: 128 glyphs 
 Nariko promo screenshot (third): 129 glyphs 

Combos and superstyles:
 Adoring Traveler level 3 superstyle: Press R1 + Circle. 
 Angelic Fury speed stance combo: Press Triangle, Square, Triangle. 
 Angel's Crop speed stance combo: Press Square, Triangle(2), Square(2). 
 Angel's Grave speed stance combo: Press Square, Triangle(2), then when landing press Square. 
 Angel's Harvest speed stance combo: Press Square, Triangle(2), Square, Triangle. 
 Angel's Smite speed stance combo: Press Square(2), Triangle, Square. 
 Blade of the Devil power stance combo: Press Square, Triangle, Square(3). 
 Bladed Downfall aerial combo: Press L1 + Triangle, shake controller, then hold R1 and press Triangle, 
 Compassion level 2 superstyle: Press R1 + Circle. 
 Divine Storm ranged stance combo: Press Triangle(9). 
 Falling Blossom aerial combo: Press L1 + Triangle, shake controller, then press Square, Triangle(2), 
                               Square, R1 + Square. 
 Flying Angel aerial combo: Press L1 + Triangle, shake controller, then press R1 + Triangle, Triangle(3). 
 Heavenly Storm speed stance combo: Press Square(2), Triangle(3). 
 Heaven's Ascent speed stance combo: Press Square, Triangle(2), then when landing Triangle. 
 Heaven's Spiral speed stance combo: Press Square(2), Triangle(2), Square. 
 Hell's Envy power stance combo: Press Triangle, Square(2). 
 Hell's Wrath power stance combo: Press Triangle, Square, Triangle. 
 Laughing Devil power stance combo: Press Triangle(2), Square, Triangle. 
 Lingering Touch level 2 superstyle: Press L1 + Circle. 
 Raising Hell power stance combo: Press Square, Triangle, Square, Triangle. 
 Soaring Embrace aerial combo: Press L1 + Triangle, shake controller, then hold L1 and press Square(3). 
 Startled Lover level 2 superstyle: Press Circle. 
 Stolen Kiss level 3 superstyle: Press Circle. 
 Striking Hell power stance combo: Press Triangle(2), Square(2). 
 Twin Angels speed stance combo: Press Triangle, Square(2). 
 Twisted Soul ranged stance combo: Press Square(7). 
 Unfurling Wrath ranged stance combo: Press Square(9). 
 Violent Tempest ranged stance combo: Press Triangle(7). 
 Whirling Passion level 3 superstyle: Press L1 + Circle. 

Hell mode:
Successfully complete the game. 

Defeating Bohan:
Note: This is also an easy way to get a three glyph rating. During your fights with Bohan, he will 
occasionally throw magic into the mix. If it is blue you can reflect it back to him by pressing Triangle 
as it is hitting you. If it is red you need to be in power stance and press Triangle as it is hitting you. 
If you never use the prompt to use the Circle button, you can keep attacking and deflecting magic until 
you have a three glyph rating. 

Defeating Whiptail:
When fighting her attack three times, if it was blocked roll away once and start tapping Square. If you 
do not hold any specific direction on the Analog-stick, just not touching it at all works. It will 
automatically target Whiptail. You can dodge her small wave attacks and use your Speed Stance to hack 
through the big waves to gain glyph ratings. If you do not press Circle to finish her, she will never die. 
Just keep attacking and dodging; and hacking through waves to get an easy three glyph rating. 

During the fight against Whiptail, she sends out two different waves, Tidal Waves and Small Waves. You do 
not have to try and avoid these waves. Just hold L1 and press the Triangle for the Small Waves, and 
Square for the Tidal Waves. If timed correctly, you should slice through the waves and be able to run at 
a tired Whiptail.

Easy three glyph rating:
If a level has lots of archers you can use your range stance attacks, which deflect the arrows, to get 
lots of combo points repeatedly. Just deflect until you reach three glyphs.

God Of War reference:
In the part where you go to the armory, look around at the different trophy cases. One of them is Kratos' 
armor and swords from the God Of War series. 

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