Super Farm
Cheat menu:
Slowly press L1, R1, L1, R1, Up, Down, Up, Down at the
title screen.
Bill the Rooster:
Slowly press R1, R2, L1(2), Triangle, Square at the
title screen.
Buck the Duck:
Slowly press L1, Down, Up(3), L1 at the title screen.
Frank the Bull:
Slowly press L1, L2, Square, Triangle(2), L2 at the
title screen.
Joey the Donkey:
Slowly press L2, L1(2), Triangle(3) at the title screen.
Sheaty the Fly:
Slowly press L1(2), R1(2), Up, Triangle at the title
Stingy the Rat:
Slowly press R1(2), L1, Square(3) at the title screen.
Kofmunship level:
Slowly press Triangle, L1(2), R1(2) at the title
Pamela level:
Slowly press Square, Triangle, Square, Triangle, R1 at
the title screen.
Jail level:
Slowly press R1(2), Square, Triangle, R1 at the title
Gladiator level:
Slowly press Triangle, Square, L1(3) at the title