Star Trek: Shattered Universe
Cheat mode:
You must be on the menu screen that looks like you are on the
bridge of the Excelsior to enter the following codes. When you
do, a text response will appear in the top right corner of the
menu to confirm correct code entry.
Level select:
Press R1, L1, Circle, Square, L1, R1, Triangle, Select at the
bridge screen.
All ships:
Press L1, Square, L1, Square, R1(2), Circle, Select at the
bridge screen.
Press L1, Circle, L1, R1, Triangle(2), Circle, Select at the
bridge screen.
All medals and ranks:
Press L1, R1, L1, Circle, R1, Triangle, L1, Select at the
bridge screen.
Kobayashi Maru difficulty setting:
Press L1, Triangle, L1(2), Square, Triangle, R1, Select at
the bridge screen.