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Romance of the Three Kingdoms 7

Multi-player mode:
Select any scenario and choose a character as usual. Start 
the scenario then press L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Select during 
your turn. Select the "Add Player Officer" on the menu that 
appears. All playable characters in the current scenario will 
appear. Select a character for player two, then repeat to use 
up to eight controllable characters. 

To use created characters in multi-player mode, use the same 
steps as described previously except select ''New Officer'' 
if you want to play as a Ronin or ''New Country'' to play as a 
Liege. If both players are using created Liege characters, first
register both under ''New Country''. Then, select them from the 
''Ruler'' list and follow the rest of the steps.

Secret characters:
Select "New Officer" at the main menu. Choose "Create New Officer" 
from the new officer menu. Choose the name option and enter one 
of the following names. For example, for Sun Tzu, enter Sun as 
the last name and Tzu as the first name, so the name appears as 
Sun Tzu. A musical note will play, and an officer will 
automatically be created and given type, ability, skills, and gender. 
Select a birthdate, and face and everything else is done.

Abe Lincoln
Albert Einstein
Augustus Caesar
Ben Franklin
Benedict Arnold
Betsy Ross
Charles Darwin
Crazy Horse
Daniel Boone
Dynasty Warrior
Genghis Khan
George  Patton (Note: Put an extra space after "George".) 
Gitaroo Man
Harry Houdini
Jeanne Darc
Julius Caesar
Lady Diana
Mahatma Gandhi
Mark Antony
Mother Teresa
Nikola Tesla
Norma Jean
Robert Lee
Robin Hood
Sitting Bull
Sun Tzu
Thomas Paine
U 1
Ulysses Grant
Wyatt Earp 

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