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Wipeout XL

Challenge Mode I & II: From the Essential Options screen, enter the
Options. At the Options Mode screen, select the Password option.
Enter the following passwords for two new race modes:

Challenge I: Square, Circle, Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle,
             Triangle, Circle, Square, Square, Square, Triangle,
             X, Square
Challenge II: Square, Circle, Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle,
              X, Square, X, Triangle, Triangle, X, Circle, Circle

When you enter the Race Type menu, there will be two new modes
Challenge I and Challenge II.


Machine Gun: Start a game and pause it. While the game is paused,
press Square, Circle, X, Square, Circle, X, Triangle. Unpause the
game and you are now armed with a deadly machine gun instead of
special weapons. Note: Using this cheat may lock-up the game.

Funky Vehicles: Press and hold L1, R2, Start and Select, and turn
the PlayStation on. Keep the buttons held until the Wipeout XL
copyright screen. The moment the copyright screen appears, release
the buttons. When the game starts, all the ships have been replaced
by funky characters. If you use the cheat for the Piranah ship with
this code, you race as a shark.

Accesss to All Tracks: To access all the tracks in the game, at the
"Essential Options" screen, press and hold L1, R1, and Select
simultaneously. With these held down, press Square, Circle, Triangle,
Circle, Square.

Piranha Ship: To access the Piranha in the game, at the "Essential
Options" screen, press and hold L1, R1, and Select simultaneously.
With these held down, press X, X, X, X, Circle, Triangle, Square.

Infinite Weapons: Pause the game any time during a race. While the
game is paused, press and hold L1, R1, and Select. With these buttons
held down, press the following: X, X, Square, Square, Circle, Circle,
Triangle. Press Start to unpause and you will have all the weapons.

Phantom Class: This is the fastest speed class possible, and requires
impeccable cornering. At the Setup screen, press and hold L1, R1, and
Select. While holding them, press Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Circle,
Circle, Circle. At the Track screen, a new class appears, Phantom Class.

Infinite Time: This prevents the race from ending if you don't make
a checkpoint on time. To access this cheat, pause the game during a
race. Then press and hold  L1, R1, and Select. While holding them,
press Triangle, Square, Circle, X, Triangle, Square, Circle, X.
Unpause the game and you have infinite time.

Infinite Shields: This prevents you from blowing up when your shields
run out. To access this cheat, pause the game during a race. Then
press and hold L1, R1, and Select. While holding them, press Triangle,
X, Square, Circle, Triangle, X, Square, Circle. Unpause the game and
your shields never run out.

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