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Play as Aversa: At the "Mode Select" screen, pick "Match Mode."
Then, at the "Player Select" screen, highlight any player and do
the following: Press and hold L1, R2, Up, and Square. With these
buttons held, press X. The player you highlighted will be selected,
but you'll hear a "meow" sound. When the match starts, you'll play
as a hidden character named Aversa.

Play as Mattox: At the "Mode Select" screen, pick "Match Mode."
Then, at the "Player Select" screen, highlight any player and
press L2, L2, R1, R1, R1, Down, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle,
Triangle, X. The player you highlighted will be selected, but
you'll hear a yell. When the match starts, you'll play as a
hidden character named Mattox.

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