Triple Play '99
Auto Strikeout:
Whenever the opposing team is batting, hold L1+L2+R1+R2 and press
Triangle, Square, Triangle, Circle, X, Square, Left, Right.
NOTE: Do not do this when you're batting or you'll strike out with one
Automatic Homeruns:
Need a homerun? During game play (not paused), hold R1+R2+L1+L2 and
press Triangle, Square, Triangle, Circle, X, Square, Left, Right. Make
contact and you'll hit a monstrous homer!
Bonus Players:
For several bonus players, press L1 12 times, then press R1 21 times
at the Roster screen.
Bonus Stadiums:
At the stadium select screen, press L2, L1, R1, R2, R2, L1, R1, R2.
Crowd Control:
To control the crowd's noise and announcer's comments hold L1+L2+R1+R2
then enter one of the codes below:
Crowd Noise:
X, Down, Down, X Awww!
Triangle, X, X, Triangle Light cheer
Square, Left, Left, Square Loud roar
Circle, Right, Right, Circle Boo
Triangle, Up, Up, Triangle Clap
Announcer Comments:
Up,Triangle,Right,Circle Hey Buck, tell us a story....
Down,X,Right,Circle Facts/Baseball Trivia
Left,Square,Right,Circle Commercials
Circle,Right,Square,Left The Nickname Game
X,Down,Triangle,Up Weather
Left,Square,Up,Triangle ????
Up,Triangle,Down,X ????
Up, Triangle, Up followed by:
Triangle Jon Spencer
Circle Gary Lam
Square Chuck Osieja
X Steve Rechtschaffner
Up Brent Nielsen
Left Pauline Moller
Down Agathat Kuzniak
Right Mike "Swanny" Swanson
Left, Square, Left followed by:
Triangle Duncan Lee
Circle Yanick Lebel
Square Anne Geiger
X Edwin Gomez
Up Wendell Harlow
Left Stephen Gagno-Cody
Down Vanessa Gonwick
Right Adrienne Travica
Right, Circle, Right followed by:
Triangle Frank Faugno
Circle Michael J. Sokyrka
Square Kirby Leung
X Jeff Coates
Up Mike Sheath
Left Mark Liljefors
Down Anne Fouron
Right Kenneth Newby
Down, Triangle, Down followed by:
Triangle Carolyn Cudmore
X Rick Falck
Up Louis Wang
Left Mark Dobratz
Down Brett Marshall
Right Jason Lee
UP four times Jen Cleary
LEFT four times Bob Silliker
DOWN four times Eric Kiss
RIGHT four times Darron Stone
X four times Ryan Pearson
CIRCLE four times Stan Tung
SQUARE four times Rob Anderson
TRIANGLE four times Mike Rayner
Easy Trades:
All trades go through, as long as the players are 2 or less points
apart. So, say you have a guy worth 78 points and you want a guy worth
94 points, and you dont have any trade points left. All you have to do
is trade the guy worth 78 for a guy worth 80 and then for a guy worth
82 and then for a guy worth 84 and so on.
Hidden Stadiums:
At the stadium select screen, press L2, L1, R1, R2, R2, L1, R1, R2. If
you did it right the announcer will say "Triple Play 99" and you'll
gain three new stadiums: Ancient Rome, Neo-Vancover, and Anytown USA.
Inside Out Batting:
When you are batting against a switch hitter batting left handed
during the at bat switch your pitcher to a left handed pitcher. Now
the batter will be facing the wrong way in the batters box but he will
still be able to hit the ball!
Mess up the Announcer:
While you have the ball in the outfield run into your own players to
make a collision. If you nail your teammate perfectly you will drop
the ball and Buck Martinez (the annoncer) will start talking about
homeruns line drives etc.
More Homerun Sounds:
While you're running the bases after a homerun, tap TRIANGLE for a
different horn sound, or press CIRCLE for a few whistles from the fans.
Play in a Litter Box:
To play in a litter box, at the game select screen press R2, R1, L2,
L1, R2, R2, R1, L1, and SELECT three times. If you did it right, you
will here a meow. Go to the exibition game, choose your team and go to
the field option screen. Keep pressing the right arrow button until
you get to the picture of a cat's litter box.
Power Hitter:
If you want a power hitter create a player named "Erik Kiss". He will
hit a lot of home runs. It works best if you move to the front of the
batters box by holding R2 and pushing up, keep holding up even when
your swinging and most of the time he will hit a home run unless he
gets jammed or misses the ball.
Secret Sounds:
When you hit a home run and start your run around the bases, tap the
SQUARE button for the horn to sound and tap X for the famous organ.
Repeat this as long as you like.