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Street Fighter Puzzle Fighter

Play as Devilot

 Player One should press & hold Start, then put the cursor on Morrigan,
 and press Down 13 times. When the timer reaches 10, press any button.

 Player Two should press & hold Start, then put the cursor on  Felicia,
 and press Down 13 times.  When the timer reaches 10, press any button.
 Now you can play as Devilot from the game Cyberbots.

Play as Dan

 Player One should press & hold Start, then put the cursor on Morrigan,
 press Down 13 times, and press any button.

 Player Two should press & hold Start, then put the cursor on  Felicia,
 press  Down  13  times, and press any button.  Now you can play as the
 "awesome" Dan.

Play as Akuma

 Player One should press & hold Start,  then put the cursor on Morrigan
 and press Left, Down, Left, Down, Left, Down, then  hold Left, & press
 any button.

 Player Two should press and hold Start, then put the cursor on Felicia
 and press Right, Down, Right, Down, Right, Down, then hold  Right and
 press any button. Now you can play as the powerhouse Akuma.

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