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Project Overkill

To enter any of the following cheats, pause the game, highlight "Music
Volume," and enter any of the following:


 Press and hold  Circle, press  Square, release  Circle, press and hold
 Triangle, press X, release  Triangle, press and hold  Circle, press X,
 release  Circle, press and hold  X, press  Square, release X.  Unpause
 the  game  and  the  word  "Cheater!"  will  appear  at the top of the
 screen, but you�ll have all the weapons and ammo.

 Press and hold  Right, press  Circle, Square, Triangle, release Right,
 press and hold  Left, press  Square, Circle, X, release Left.  Unpause
 the game and the word "Cheater!" will appear at the top of the screen,
 but you�ll have a temporary body shield.

 Press and hold  Square, press  Circle, X,  Triangle,  release  Square,
 press and hold  Circle, press  Square, X,  Triangle,  release  Circle.
 Unpause the game and the word "Cheater!" will appear at the top of the
 screen, but your health will be maxed out.

 Press and hold Triangle.  With  Triangle  held, press  Square, Circle,
 Circle, Square, release Triangle, press and hold X and press Triangle,
 Triangle, then  release X.  The word "Cheater!" will appear at the top
 of the screen, and you will be cloaked.

 Press and hold Up.  With Up held, press  Triangle, Triangle, Triangle,
 release Up, and press and  hold Down, and  press  X,  Square,  Circle,
 release  Down.  The  word  "Cheater!"  will  appear  at the top of the
 screen and you will move faster.

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