These passwords are for the Trial of Refusal campaign as the Wolf ClanFlame Tounge: L#OOA
Blade Splint: O/OOA<++U=
Temper Edge: L/OOA
Trial 1: OOOOA<<4YT
Sable Flame: LOOO/
Burning Chrome: OXOO/<+4TT
Scorching Sand: LXOO/
Trial 2: #YOO/<>UTL
Silver Staff: LYOO=
Aquiline Fire: OAOO=<+UY>
Trial 3: LAOO=
Cold Crescent: O
Velvet Hammer: L
Golden Spade: O>OO*<+=#O
Final Trial: L>OO*
800d12de0064Infinite ammo
800d12680000Never overheat
Password Cheats
Enter these passwords for the following cheats:
Always throttle: #AXO/A4YYA
Extra variants: T#XO/AX<<<
Extra heat sinks: #XXO/A4>Y+