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Croc 2

Cheat mode:
Hold L1 and press Triangle, Left(2), Right, Square, Up(2), Left, Circle at the 
title screen. Then, hold L2 and press R2 during game play to access a cheat 

Unlimited crystals:
Hold L1 and press Square(2), Circle, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right at the 
title screen. Then, hold R2 and press Square during the game play to add one 
hundred crystals to the current total at any time. Alternatively, hold R2 and 
press X during game play after activating the first part of the code. 

Unlimited lives:
Hold L1 and press Circle, Down, Left, Up, Right, Triangle, Down at the title 

Trampoline Gobbo:
The Gobbo In Sailor Village challenges Croc to jump higher than he does. To do 
this, stand next to the trampoline with the jumping Gobbo and and press X(2). 
Then, while in the air and ready to stomp the ground, press X once more to make 
a very high jump.

Croc vs. Dantini boat race:
Search the waterfall in Sailor Village to find the last colored crystal.

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