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Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night

Play as Richter Belmont:
Save any game with the following attributes: after the final battle in the 
game, into the middle section of the inverted castle, after beating the 
final villain, and marked as "clear". Start a new game with the name RICHTER. 
Richter Belmont may now be controlled when the new game begins. Richter can 
not change forms or use armor, weapons, items, and magic. He can perform a 
super jump, a blade charging move, and use secondary weapons such as the 
throwing dagger, axe, and holy water. 

Start with blue armor:
Obtain a saved game file as described in the "Play as Richter Belmont" code. 
Start a new game with the name AXEARMOR. Game play will begin with the blue 
armor that transforms your character into the axe-wielding blue knight. 

Start with 99 luck:
Obtain a saved game file as described in the "Play as Richter Belmont" code. 
Start a new game with the name X-X!V''Q. Note: There are two apostrophes in 
the name. Game play will begin with luck set to 99. 

Start with more intelligence:
Obtain a saved game file as described in the "Play as Richter Belmont" code. 
Start a new game with the name X-X!V''. Note: There are two apostrophes in 
the name. Game play will begin with increased intelligence but decreased 

Control opening screen:
Use the D-pad to alter the opening screen when "Now Loading" appears. 

View map:
Begin game play with Alucard as a character. Press Start to display the 
statistics screen, then press L1. 

Stronger Hellfire spell:
Hold Up when using the Hellfire spell, before the three fireballs are shot, 
and a stronger, familiar looking attack will be executed.

Bonus music track:
Play track two of the game disc in an audio CD player. 

Music test:
Complete the game with a rating of over 190% with Alucard. Start a new game 
with Alucard without overwriting the previous game. Approach the Librarian 
to display a music select option in the "Buy/Sell" window. 

Keep Alucard's equipment:
Begin a game with the "Start with 99 luck" code. After reaching the room 
with the three Wargs (before the room with Death), kill them all. To enter 
the next room without confronting Death, tap Right until you are slightly 
into the room. Do not go too far over or else Death will get your 
character. Go back, remove everything except for the Alucard Sword, 
Twilight Cloak, and Necklace of J. This should result in a DEF rating of 
12. Kill the first Warg (going left) and stand in front of the middle Warg, 
but make sure you are facing left. Allow it hit you. It should send your 
character flying out of the room and past Death. Then, save the game. once 
you return to the room with Death, Slogra And Gaibon will be there. It does 
not matter if they are defeated, they will still be in their original room. 
You will be unable to enter the menu screen until the game is saved. 

Custom Joseph's cloak colors:

Look                    Exterior setting            Lining setting  

Heaven                  Red 10, Green 13, Blue 26   Same 
Mountain Dew            Red 22, Green 31, Blue 11   Same 
Royal cloak             Blue 15                     Green 8  
Hippie                  Red 20, Blue 20             Green 24, Blue 24 
Neon                    Red 22, Green 31            Same 
Dream Bar               Red 31, Green16, Blue 10    Same 
Hershey Bar             Red18, Green16, Blue 13     Same 
Royal Purple            Red 16, Green 6, Blue 31    Same 
Florida Orange Juice    Red 31, Green 22            Same 
Cherry Pie              Red 31, Green 6, Blue 15    Same 
Sky blue                Red 22, Green 31, Blue 31   Same 

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