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Assault: Retribution

Goodies option:
Press Triangle, Square, Circle, Left, Square, Triangle, Square, Circle, 
Left, Square within three seconds at the "Press Start" screen. An 
additional selection will appear at the end of the options menu that allows 
level selection, all weapons, unlimited ammunition, and the ability to view 
the FMV sequences. 

Stage select:
Enable the "Goodies option" code. Then, press Left, Right, X, Triangle, 
Left, Up within three seconds at the "Press Start" screen. A white screen 
flash, sound effect, and display of the cheat name will confirm correct 
code entry. An option that will allow selection of an individual stage 
within a level will become available. Note: Enabling this code may cause 
music and graphic problems. 

Nakomi mode:
Press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, X, Circle within three 
seconds at the "Press Start" screen. A white screen flash, sound effect, 
and display of the cheat name will confirm correct code entry. All 3D 
characters except the Boss will be flattened. 

Big head player:
Press Square, Circle(2), Square, Up, Square, Circle(2), Square, Triangle 
within three seconds at the "Press Start" screen. A white screen flash, 
sound effect, and display of the cheat name will confirm correct code 

Big head aliens:
Press Square, Circle(2), Square, Up, Square, Circle(2), Square, X within 
three seconds at the "Press Start" screen. A white screen flash, sound 
effect, and display of the cheat name will confirm correct code entry. 
Note: This code does not affect the Boss. 

Turbo mode:
Press X, Square, Triangle, Circle, X, Square, Triangle, Circle, L2, R2 
within three seconds at the "Press Start" screen. A white screen flash, 
sound effect, and display of the cheat name will confirm correct code 
entry. Press Circle during game play to run faster. Note: This will also 
use any item currently being held by your character. 

Grayscale graphics:
Press X(2), Triangle(2), Square(2), Circle(2), Up, Down within three 
seconds at the "Press Start" screen. A white screen flash, sound effect, 
and display of the cheat name will confirm correct code entry. 

Sepia graphics:
Press Left(10) within three seconds at the "Press Start" screen. A white 
screen flash, sound effect, and display of the cheat name will confirm 
correct code entry. 

Bonus stages:
The Queen Chamber and Greenhouse stages can be played only after 
completing level 7 in two player mode. 

Special power-up:
A special power-up marked with an exclamation point can be found at the 
following locations. It allows your character to receive all available 
weapons at maximum power and an ammunition recharge item. In one player 
mode, find the long series of platforms that can be destroyed 
approximately half way through the Tube 1 level. A hovering destructible 
platform under the special power-up is located behind the fourth 
destructible platform. In two player mode, find the series of rope 
bridges towards the end of the Jungle Crash Site level. After the third 
rope bridge is a column with alien gun emplacements and a power-up 
towards the rear of the screen. Destroy the alien guns and jump out 
towards the column to land on an invisible platform. Walk along that 
platform on to the column to collect the power-up. 

Faster charge:
Collect an ammunition recharge item and place it in your inventory to 
increase the rate of charge. 

Weapon upgrade power-up:
Hold all weapons that are available for your character when approaching 
a normal weapons crate. Instead of the weapon, the crate will contain a 
weapon upgrade power-up when destroyed. 

Danworld Network
© 1996- Danworld, Inc.