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Zoo Tycoon: Complete Collection

Name cheats:
Rename one of your guests to the following entries to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Effect                                          Code
Blue guests and buildings                       Mr. Blue
Yellow guests and buildings                     Mr. Blonde
White guests and buildings                      Mr. White
Brown guests and buildings                      Mr. Brown
Orange guests and buildings                     Mr. Orange
Pink guests and buildings                       Mr. Pink
White birds attack                              Alfred H
Fences deteriorate 100%                         Russell C
Sick guests                                     Zeta Psi
All scenarios                                   Akiyama
All animal enrichment research programs         Lou Catanzaro
All animal care research programs               Adam Levesque
All animal buildings                            Andrew Binder
All animal shelters available                   John Wheeler
All exhibit foliage                             Charlie Peterson
All staff education research programs           Hank Howie
All endangered animals research programs        Steve Serafino
Dinosaur Foliage research program               Ron Propst
Dinosaur eggs hatch faster                      Eggman
All dinosaurs                                   Dinoman

Set all tour guides salaries to zero:
Name one of the tour guides "Rosalie".

Fix all broken fences:
Name a male maintenance worker "Bob V".

Remove foliage and $300 tax rebate:
Name a male maintenance worker "George W".

Destroy all buildings:
Name male maintenance worker "The Rock".

Scared female guests:
Name a male guest "rpro".

Scared child guests:
Name a male guest "Boogyman".

Ultimate zookeeper:
Select any male zoo keeper and rename him "Jonathan Gilmour". You will get a $20,000 donation
and enhanced zoo keeper skills.

All scientists walk twice as fast:
Name a scientist "Dr. Scholl".

Egg contents change:
Name a scientist "Dr. Frankenstein" for a 10% chance that an egg will change its contents when
the scientist visits.

Exhibit cheats:
After the game automatically names an exhibit, rename it to one of the following entries to
get the corresponding animal or effect.

Effect                                          Name
Triceratops                                     Cretaceous Corral
Unicorn                                         Xanadu
Dodo                                            Doflopnok
Yeti                                            Kathmandu
Dienosuchus                                     Super Croc
Chance that more guests enter zoo               Wonderland
Double exhibit donations                        Microsoft
Double amount paid at attractions               Blue Fang

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