Cheat mode:
Press M to display the chat prompt. Type one of the following
codes, then press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat
Effect Code
All Wraith weapons dangerous
Super lasers, missiles slick
Invincibility (Chump mode) chump
Invincibility, super speed (Super
Chump mode)* chump
Invincibility, unlimited weapons* dangerous
Invincibility, super weapons* tuff
Invincibility, super speed,
unlimited weapons (Dangerous
Super Chump mode)** dangerous
Invincibility, super speed,
unlimited and super weapons tuff ass
Updated citadel guns*** bigmamma
Cheaper strike and repairs*** cheapfoo
Free strike and repairs*** hellacheapfoo
More troops mo money
More power-ups way mo money
Power units for killing opponent
soldiers and tanks warehouse
* You must already be in "Chump" mode before entering this code.
** You must already be in "Super Chump" mode before entering this
*** Enter this code after citadel is online.
Anvil weapon:
Start an old mission or a mission not yet completed after beating
the last planet. A secondary weapon called the "Anvil" will be
available. Use it to drop an anvil on the targeted enemy that will
destroy it in one hit.