Primal Rage (Move List)
Quick finishing move summary
Armadon = 3
Blizzard = 3
Chaos = 2
Diablo = 2
Sauron = 1
Talon = 1
Vertigo = 2
IMPORTANT: All special moves are done by holding
down buttons 1 and 3 (high quick and low quick) and
performing the proper joystick movements...
D = Down U = Up T = Towards A = Away
* = finishing move ** = chomp a human
Actions: Movements:
bed-o-nails ---> d-d-u
iron maiden ---> a-u-t
rushing uppercut ---> a-d-t
gut gouger ---> t-t-a
hornication uppercut ---> d-t-a
spinning death ---> t-d-a
flying spikes ---> a-a-u
*gut fling ---> d-d-d-u
*meditation ---> t-d-t-t
*falling spikes ---> d-a-u-d
**chomp a human ---> u-t-d
Actions: Movements:
quick mega punch ---> a-u-t
short megs punch ---> a-d-t
long mega punch ---> a-t-t
fake mega punch ---> d-u-u
cold breath ---> d-a-t
ice geyser ---> d-d-u
punching bag ---> t-d-a-a
throw ---> t-d-u-a
air throw ---> buttons 1+3 in air
*brain bash ---> u-t-u
*to-da-moon ---> d-d-d-u
*redemption ---> d-t-u-d-u
Actions: Movements:
grab-n-throw ---> t-a-a
slow power puke ---> u-a-a
fast power puke ---> u-t-t
fart of fury ---> d-t-u-a
ground shaker ---> a-u-d
flying butt slam ---> d-t-u-d
battering ram ---> f-f-f
*golden shower ---> d-d-u-a
*cannonball ---> repeatedly press d+u+t
**chomp a human ---> t-d-a-u
Actions: Movements:
slow fireball ---> d-a-a
fast fireball ---> d-t-t
torch ---> u-d-d
hot foot ---> a-d-t
mega lunge ---> d-u-t
pulverizer ---> u-t-t
inferno flash ---> u-u-u
*incinerator ---> u-a-d-d
*fireball ---> t-t-t
**chomp a human ---> d-u-d
Actions: Movements:
primal scream ---> d-u-a
earthquake stomp ---> u-d-d
cranium crusher ---> d-u-u
leaping bone bash ---> d-u-d
stun roar ---> a-t-t
neck throw ---> t-a-a
air throw ---> 1+3 in air
*grape crusher ---> t-u-d-a
**chomp a human ---> d-d-u
Actions: Movements:
brain basher ---> a-u-t
pounce and flip ---> t-d-d
frantic fury ---> d-t-a-t
double slash ---> d-u-t
face ripper ---> d-d-t
run forward/back ---> a-a-a or t-t-t
*stampede ---> t-a-u-d
**chomp a human ---> t-d-a
Actions: Movements:
slow venom spit ---> d-t-t
fast venom spit ---> d-a-a
voodoo spell ---> t-a-a
teleport ---> d-d-d
come slither ---> a-a-a
scorpion sting ---> t-t-d
*shrink and eat ---> a-a-d-u
*la vache qui rit ---> a-a-d-t
**chomp a human ---> d-t-u