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Magic Carpet

Cheat mode:

Press I to stop and hover during game play. Type ratty and press [Enter]
to enable cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate
the corresponding cheat function. 

Effect                     Code 

All spells                 [Alt] + [F1]  
Increase mana              [Alt] + [F2]  
Destroy other players      [Alt] + [F3]  
Destroy all castles        [Alt] + [F4]  
Destroy other balloons     [Alt] + [F5]  
Heal                       [Alt] + [F6]  
Kill all creatures         [Alt] + [F7]  
Level skip                 [Shift] + C  
Toggle resolution          R  

Level select:

Start the game with the carpet - command line. 

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