Chat window commands:
Enter one of the following at the chat window to activate the
corresponding effect.
Effect Code
Say goodbye to a player /bye <player name>
Boot player /kick <player name>
Kiss player /kiss <player name>
Hug player /hug <player name>
Greet player /greet <player name>
Clap at player /clap <player name>
Flirt with player /flirt <player name>
Invite the player to your current room /invite <player name>
Laugh at player /laugh <player name>
Allow indicated player to be able to kick
other players /op <player name>
CPU makes your name into initials to stand
for something /borg <player name>
Message other people when they are not in
the room /msg <player name>
Say something about you in a certain way /me <message>
Start a private message to desired player /query <player name>
Select all the players and do any random thing
like "Trivia", etc /users
find the player and see which room they are in /find <player name>
Sends a private message to any connected user /msg
<player name> <message>
Tells you what room (if any) a user is in /find <player name>
Same as clicking "Auto Skip" /away
Lists drawing queue in the current room /draworder
Display room description /rr
Mute a specific user /ignore <player name>
Display local time of a player /time <player name>
Show how fast your network connection is /ping
Show how fast your network connection is
between you and another player is /ping <player name>
Go directly to another room /join <room name>
Sends you back to the room you were
previously in /back
Copies current image to your clipboard /copy
Remove all text from the chat windows /clear
Show the profile of a user /profile <player name>
Accept an invitation and join that room /accept
Show the room settings /param
Show how much time you have spent on iSketch
and number of games played and won /stats
Add a name to look out for /notify <player name>
Join a team; name can be a maximum of three
letters /team <team name>
List current teams in the room /teams
Slap someone /slap <player name>
Tell you how many players in total there
are online /usercount