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Hearts Of Iron

Cheat mode:
Press [F12] during single player game play to display the console 
window. Enter one of the following codes to activate the 
corresponding cheat function.

Effect                                  Code 
5000 additional coal                    coal  
5000 additional manpower                manpower  
5000 additional oil                     oil  
5000 additional rubber                  rubber  
5000 additional steel                   steel  
5000 additional supplies                supplies  
Additional transports                   transports  
Additional escorts                      escorts  
1 additional nuclear bomb               nuke  
Diplomatic influence set to 500         di  
Increase industrial capacity            event 1013  
Lower dissent                           event 1009  
No troop building limits                nolimit  
Toggle God mode                         difrules  
Toggle AI aggressiveness                nowar  
Toggle revolts                          norevolts  
Toggle fog of war                       nofog  
Toggle automatic event pause            handsoff  
Toggle province IDs                     showid  
Toggle control of all nations           fullcontrol  
100% war entry level                    war  
Trigger indicated event                 event "number"  

Event numbers:
Use one of the following entries with the event code. 
1000: Research sabotaged
1001: Random leader loyalty down 4
1002: Supply stockpile +200
1003: Manpower +100
1004: Manpower +100
1005: Supply -100 Dissent -5
1006: IC +6
1007: Manpower +30
1008: Dissent +3 Supply -350
1009: Dissent -3
1010: IC -1
1011: Steal technology
1012: Technology discovered
1013: IC +6
1014: Choose Dissent +1 or -1
1015: Choose Dissent +1 or -1 but a politician dies
1016: Choose: ->Fascism -5 and ->Communism 15 or 
->Fascism 15 and ->Communism -5
1017: Choose: ->Fascism -5 and ->Communism 15 or 
->Fascism 15 and ->Communism -5
1020: Land fort -1
1030: Cost fort -1
1040: Steal technology
1050: Commander assassinated
1060: Commander defect
1080: Commander executed
1090: Dissent +5
1100: Minister dies
1110: War entry +5
1120: War entry -5
1140: Four ministers die, Dissent -10
1150: Regime overthrown, Dissent -100
2000: War entry for France +10 and for UK +5
2100: Choose join Germany or Germany annexes Austria or 
Dissent -40
2200: Choose join Axis or Dissent -25 or trigger event
2300: Join the Axis, Dissent -30
2400: Germany Claims Memmel event
2500: Dissent -5 -> Facism 20
2600: Choose claim some provinces or the Russian/German 
2700: War against Soviets and Soviets claims terretory
2800: Vichy France event (you lose a lot of leaders if 
not playing as France)
3100: Spanish Civil War
3200: Finnish Winter War event. Choose give in to Russian 
demands or declare war on Soviets
3300: Sweden intervention in the Finnish Winter War
3400: Spanish Civil War intervention
3500: Italy Claiming Albania event
3600: Invite Poland to enter alliance with the allies
3700: Lend Lease Act
3800: US oil embargo oil -10000
3900: Give Iceland and Greenland to the US
4000: Japan get bases in Vichy
4100: Dissent -30
4500: Put Pressure On Siam event
5000: Oil from Romania (Oil +1500) 

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