Command & Conquer: Counterstrike
Free Men:
Build a missile silo. When the missile is ready, sell the silo and
immeidately launch the missile. If you were quick enough, the sale
will have stopped and some troops will come out of the silo.
Giant Ant Missions:
At the title screen, hold Left Shift and left click on the round
Soviet Playing Tip:
When playing as the Soviets, when you have a Iron Curtain and a
Missle Silo, send a tank into the enemy base. When he is attacked,
use the Iron Curtain on him. When lots of enemys come around him,
launch the atom bomb.
Tesla Tanks:
If you want to build a Tesla Tank first select a skirmish or
multiplayer game. You must also select to be France and have a Tech
level of at least 7. Before you start building a radar jammer,
press and hold the shift key and then click on the radar jammer
icon before letting go of the shift key.
View Credits:
To view the ending credits, click on the Westwood logo on the title