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All Cars and Levels:

 To access all of the cars and  levels  without  beating  the game type
 KEVWOZEAR at the car select, view  info, start  race, and change race.
 You should hear a clanking noise. Now check that car select screen and
 race selection screen. 

All Cars in Network Mode:

 At the Host Network screen (where you select what type of network game
 you want to play), type  JOYRIDER.  The game host will now have access
 to all  of the cars, including  those  only  available  through  cheat
 codes. The  client  player won't have access to the cheat cars, but he
 or she will have access to all of the other vehicles.

Type these in during gameplay:

Actions:             Results: 

 BIGBOTTOM       -->  Bodywork Trashed
 SUPERHOOPS      -->  Explosive Peds
 IGLOOFUN        -->  Hot Rod
 INTHELOFT       -->  Drugs
 BUYOURNEXTGAME  -->  Jelly Suspension
 CHICKENFODDER   -->  Bouncy Bouncy
 FUNNYJAM        -->  Turbo Peds
 ISLANDRULES     -->  Vesuvian Corpses
 SMALLUDDERS     -->  Giant Peds
 SPAMFRITTERS    -->  Free Repairs
 GOGGLEPLEX      -->  Underwater Ability
 SPAMFORREST     -->  Instant Handbrake
 TRAMSARESUPER   -->  Pedestrian Harvest

 In the scene where you  choose  to go to  map  select, vehicle select,
 start race etc... type  ENABLE  to be given  access  to all tracks and
 vehicles. You can now use all of the other cheats in the game...

 First of all, when the race starts use  F4  to cycle through the modes
 untill CHEAT MODE appears. Then all the  following  cheats will become

 F5    -->   Total repair (free). 
 F6    -->   Toggle Invulnerability on/off. 
 F7    -->   Adds 30 seconds to the timer. 
 F8    -->   Freeze/Unfreeze timer 
 F10   -->   Increment lap counter 
 F11   -->   Earn 5000 credits instantly 
 F12   -->   Switch between each opponents camera.

 SHIFT-F6    -->   Show opponents on map. 
 SHIFT-F7    -->   Adds 300 seconds to timer. 
 SHIFT-F8    -->   Toggle shadow between your/all car. 
 SHIFT-F10   -->   Increment checkpoint counter 
 SHIFT-F11   -->   Lose 5000 credits instantly 

 CTRL-F8         -->   Toggle shadow (solid/translucent)
 CTRL-KEYPAD 1   -->   Toggle fly mode

 Keypad 5 places you on the ground (still flying).
 Keypad 9 and 6 changes the cars pitch. 

Power-ups (still in cheat mode):

 0   -->   Bonus 
 1   -->   Mega bonus 
 2   -->   Pedestrians glued to ground. 
 3   -->   Giant pedestrians. 
 4   -->   Explosive pedestrians. 
 5   -->   Hot rod. 
 6   -->   Turbo pedestrians. 
 7   -->   Invulnerability. 
 8   -->   Free repairs. 
 9   -->   Instant repairs. 

 SHIFT-0   -->   Timer frozen. 
 SHIFT-1   -->   Underwater ability. 
 SHIFT-2   -->   Time bonus. 
 SHIFT-3   -->   Oh dear, body work trashed 
 SHIFT-4   -->   Blow yourself up 
 SHIFT-5   -->   Frozen opponents  
 SHIFT-6   -->   Frozen cops 
 SHIFT-7   -->   Turbo opponents 
 SHIFT-8   -->   Turbo cops 
 SHIFT-9   -->   Gravity has gone strange??? 

 ALT-0   -->   Pinball mode 
 ALT-1   -->   Wall climber 
 ALT-2   -->   Bouncey-Bouncey 
 ALT-3   -->   Oh dear, jelly suspension! 
 ALT-4   -->   Pedestrians shown on map. 
 ALT-5   -->   Pedestrian extro-bastard ray. 
 ALT-6   -->   Greased tyres 
 ALT-7   -->   Acme damage magnifier 

 SHIFT-ALT-2   -->   Instant handbrake 
 SHIFT-ALT-4   -->   Turbo! 
 SHIFT-ALT-5   -->   Mega-Turbo!! 
 SHIFT-ALT-6   -->   Blind pedestrians
 SHIFT-ALT-7   -->   Pedestrian respawn 
 SHIFT-ALT-8   -->   5 free recovery vouchers. 
 SHIFT-ALT-9   -->   Solid granite car! 

 CTRL-0   -->   Rock springs! 
 CTRL-1   -->   Drugs! 
 CTRL-2   -->   Grip-o-matic tyres 
 CTRL-3   -->   Pedestrian Harvest

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