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Cheat mode:

Press [F10] during game play then enter one of the following codes in 
the console window to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: 
Most of the following codes will work with the original, unpatched 
game. Some codes will be disabled in the patched versions of the game.

Effect                          Code                Patched game only  

500 Aqua Vampire bullets                            aqua 
500 Mercury bullets                                 mercury 
500 Silver bullets                                  silver  
All weapons and ammo            winblows            gimmecrap  
Appear like Terminator 2000                         t2000 
Big head mode                                       bighead  
Display message**               goldmode   
Dynamite                        tntrules   
Elephant gun                    dumbogun   
Enable bigboom code             headofhorrors   
Extra ammo                      moreammo            layitonme 
Flame thrower                   torchmyass   
Flaming tip arrows              burningstake        torchtip 
Gas mask for stranger           ifarted   
Gas mask                        youfarted   
God mode                        godgames            iamacheatingbastard 
Instant kill*                   bigboom             ebola  
Radiance Emitter                amonra   
Rain                            thunderstorm  
Recharge battery                recharge            pinkbunny 
Restore health                  healme              bandaid 
Shotgun and/or 500 shells       shotgunshell   
Skeleton key                    skeletonkey         keysuper 
Snow                            snowstorm  
Stranger wears alternate hat    oldhat   
Summon Baron                    baronsaturday   
Toggle enemy AI                 freezer             reallycold 
Toggle gratuitous dismemberment goremode            dismember 
Tommy gun                       driveby   
Wooden stake crossbow           woodenstakegun   

*  May kill one or multiple nearby opponents. Repeat to kill survivors. 
The headofhorrors code may need to be enabled before this code works.
** "Buy Fly!" message in original game, "Quit Cheating" message and 
zero health in patched versions. 

Cheat mode (demo version):

Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat 

Effect                                      Code 

100 rounds of ammo for selected weapon      giveallammo 
God Mode                                    gathering  
Crossbow                                    crossbow 
Tommygun                                    tommygun 
Flame-thrower                               beavis  
Shotgun                                     shotgun 
Elephant gun                                elephant  
Flaming Arrows                              flametip  
Toggle enemy AI                             freeze  
Recharge flashlight                         battery  
Summon the Baron                            baron  
Skeleton key                                masterkey  
Toggle dismemberment                        dismember  
Big head mode                               bighead  
Dynamite                                    dynamite  
Flashlight                                  light 
Toggle rain                                 rain 
Toggle snow                                 snow 
Record a movie                              movie 

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