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G.I. Joe: The Atlantis Factor

Level passwords:
Enter one of the following passwords to start at the corresponding game location. Note that the numbers in the passwords correspond to the following location in the grid squares:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Wet Suit
D9, O7, L1, C9, H7, V8, 34
, Z1, L1, F8, G6, S9, T1
Duke and Storm Shadow
©8, L7, N4, C3, ©9, O9, 19
, 32, F7, Y5, V5, O7, D3
Snake Eye's remedy
C8, 47, J2, L5, T4, T3, B2
, 23, J9, Q9, H9, 63, 54
Cobra Commander base
99, 93, O8, O9, 23, B9, G1
, C2, Q6, W3, 67, L4, 13

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