Mortal Kombat Trilogy
More Kombat Menu:
At the story line screen where the words scroll from the bottom to the
top, press Run, Block, Block, Run, High Punch, Low Punch. You'll hear
Shao Kahn say "Outstanding."
Press Start, and at the screen with the different game modes, press
and hold Up, and press Start. Cycle through the various options until
you reach the dark blue "?" and press A.
This is a More Kombat menu that enables you to play as Khameleon and
Human Smoke.
Kombat Cheats:
At the screen where the words "For nine generations Mortal Kombat..."
scroll up the screen, quickly press left C, top C, right C, bottom C,
A, B, B, B, A, A.
You'll hear a confirming sound if you did the trick correctly. Start a
game and choose Options.
Highlight the red "?" box and a Kombat Cheats menu appears, which
includes unlimited fatality time and one-round matches.
Secret Endurance Ladders:
At the fighter-select screen, put the cursor over Kano, then press and
hold Down and press Start. You'll hear a thud and screen will shake.
Start a one-player game, and at the "Choose Your Destiny" screen, each
of the towers has several endurance matches.
Play as Motaro:
At the fighter-select screen, put the cursor on Sonya, then press and
hold Up and press Start. The screen will shake.
Select any fighter, then choose to fight at either the Wastelands,
Jade's Desert, or Motaro's Lair.
Pick the stage, then simultaneously press and hold Left, High Kick,
and Low Kick until the match starts.
When the fight begins, your fighter explodes into the boss Motaro.
Play as Shao Kahn:
At the fighter-select screen, put the cursor on Sonya, then press and
hold Up and press Start. The screen will shake.
Select any fighter, then choose to fight at either Pit 3, Kahn's Kave,
or the Rooftop.
Pick the stage, then simultaneously press and hold Down, High Punch,
and Low Punch until the match starts.
When the fight begins, your fighter explodes into the boss Shao Kahn.