NBA Courtside 2: Featuring Kobe Bryant
Bonus teams:
Highlight the "Quick Play" or "Arcade Play" options at the mode selection
screen, then press C-Right + A. The sound of a basket will confirm correct
code entry. The Nintendo Gamers, Left Field Lefties, and Nintendo Plumbers
teams will appear between the All-Star teams and the Pacific division.
Cheat mode:
Press C-Up + C-Down at the main menu to display the cheat screen. The message
"You have found the secret room. Press some buttons and see what happens"
will appear to confirm correct code entry.
Small players for home team
Press C-Up, C-Down at the cheat screen.
Small players for away team
Press C-Up, C-Right at the cheat screen.
Small players for both teams
Press C-Up, C-Right, C-Down at the cheat screen.
Big heads for home team
Press C-Up(2), C-Down at the cheat screen.
Big heads for away team
Press C-Up(2), C-Down, C-Left, C-Right at the cheat screen.
Big heads for both teams
Press C-Up(2), C-Down, C-Right, C-Down at the cheat screen.
Big heads for both teams and home team has long necks
Press C-Up(2), C-Down, C-Right at the cheat screen.
Long necks
Press C-Up(2), C-Down, C-Up, C-Down at the cheat screen.
Bonus teams
Press C-Up(2), C-Down(2), C-Up(2), C-Down(2) at the cheat screen.
Clone teams:
Press C-Up(7) at the team selection screen. The sound of a bouncing ball will
confirm this part of the code. Press C-Down the indicated number of times to
create a home team where every member is the same indicated player. To create
a clone away team, press Z to display the team selection screen that features
statistics before pressing C-Down.
Player Code
Kobe Bryant C-Down(3)
Ken Griffey Jr. C-Down(4)
Random NBA player C-Down(5)
Minoru Arakawa (Nintendo) C-Down(10)
Tim Bechtel (Nintendo) C-Down(11)
Steve Bolender (Nintendo) C-Down(12)
John Brandwood (Left Field) C-Down(13)
David Bridgham (Nintendo) C-Down(14)
Scott Bush (Left Field) C-Down(15)
Marc Doyal (Nintendo) C-Down(16)
Mike Fukuda (Nintendo) C-Down(17)
Jeff Godfrey (Left Field) C-Down(18)
Ken Griffey Jr. (Homerun Hero) C-Down(19)
Roger Harrison (Nintendo) C-Down(20)
Chick Hearn (Voice of the Lakers) C-Down(21)
Robert Hemphill (Left Field) C-Down(22)
Jim Holdeman (Nintendo) C-Down(23)
Mike Knauer (Left Field) C-Down(24)
Kevin Kraus (Nintendo) C-Down(25)
Chris Lamb (Left Field) C-Down(26)
Michael Lamp (Left Field) C-Down(27)
Stu Lantz (Lakers Announcer) C-Down(28)
Howard Lincoln (Nintendo) C-Down(29)
Ken Lobb (Nintendo) C-Down(30)
James Maxwell (Left Field) C-Down(31)
Umrao Mayer (Left Field) C-Down(32)
Arnie Myers (Nintendo) C-Down(33)
Dan Owsen (Nintendo) C-Down(34)
Colin Palmer (Nintendo) C-Down(35)
Tom Prata (Nintendo) C-Down(36)
Ed Ridgeway (Nintendo) C-Down(37)
Henry Sterchi (Nintendo) C-Down(38)
Noah Stein (Left Field) C-Down(39)
Faran Thomason (Nintendo) C-Down(40)
Gail Tilden (Nintendo) C-Down(41)
Russell Truelove (Left Field) C-Down(42)
Erich Waas (Nintendo) C-Down(43)
Phil Watts (Left Field) C-Down(44)
Armond Williams (Nintendo) C-Down(45)
Cancel opponent on fire:
Begin game play in arcade mode with two to four players. If the opposing
player(s) get on fire, simply call a time-out.