NHL Hockey
Continue playoffs:
Select single elimination mode with both players as teammates.
If you lose a playoff game, knock down as many opponents as possible
at the end of the game. The losing team will continue onto the
next round.
1991 playoffs:
Enter BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB as a password to play as the
Chicago Blackhawks in the 1991 playoffs.
Teams Password
Stanley Cup
Boston vs. Vancouver H5MNCCBX4L4H73Z7
Los Angeles vs. Buffalo G757ZSVP2WF8VWO2
Final of Best of Seven - Two Teammates (3-0)
Kings vs. Bruins D444M8HZV86KZZMT
North Stars vs. Bruins BLDWLRNF1XCVOPYH
Canucks vs. Penguins G5GG16PHX7CFNBLW
Final of Best of Seven - One Player (3-0)
Kings vs. Penguins H2V6F3Y5Z4ZVHW98
Penguins vs. Blues BLHP7M21P76Y29JT
Flames vs. Bruins BZDL33G58PG9PTTB
Bruins vs. Flames BZD8RK355WFWHH8C
Canadians vs. Blues C2BFCW4HSZYC9LD9