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99 lives:
Pause game play, then press A, Right, B, Up, A, Left, B, Down, A, Right, B, 
Up, A, Left, B. Note: The speed at which the buttons are pressed are 
particularly sensitive. Try pressing them faster or slower until the code is 

World map:
Pause game play, then press A, Left, A, Left, A, B, Right, B, Up, B, A, Left, 
A, Down, A. Note: The speed at which the buttons are pressed are particularly 
sensitive. Try pressing them faster or slower until the code is enabled. 

Full energy:
Pause game play, then press B, Right, A, Up, B, Left, A, Down, B, Right. 
Note: The speed at which the buttons are pressed are particularly sensitive. 
Try pressing them faster or slower until the code is enabled. 

All powers:
Pause game play, then press Right, Left, Up, Down, A, Up(2), Down(2), B, 
Right(2), Left(2), A. Note: The speed at which the buttons are pressed are 
particularly sensitive. Try pressing them faster or slower until the code is 

View credits:
Pause game play, then press B, A, B, A(2), B, A(2), B, A(6). 

Normal levels unlocked:
Enter CH5G4mS1jD or CFD?6LS0gD as case-sensitive password to access the 
world map with all normal levels unlocked. The secret levels and chest are 
not completed.

Super password:
Enter ^sgMc0vv?= as a case-sensitive password to have 99 Lives, all levels 
completed, the secret levels completed and time trial level unlocked.

Enter =!gMc0v(7= as a case-sensitive password to unlock all levels.

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