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Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo

Play as Akuma (Gouki):
For player one, highlight Morrigan, hold Select, and press Down(3),
Left(3), A. For player two, highlight Felicia, hold Select and enter
Down(3), Right(3), A.

Play as Dan:
For player one, highlight Morrigan, hold Select, and press Left(3),
Down(3), A. For player two, highlight Felicia, hold Select, and press
Right(3), Down(3), A.

Play as Devilot:
Highlight Morrigan, hold Select, and press Left(3), Down(3). Wait
until the timer reaches ten seconds, then press A. For player two,
highlight Felicia, hold Select, and press Right(3), Down(3). Wait
until the timer reaches ten seconds, then press A.

Play as Hsien-Ko (Lei Lei) paper talisman:
For player one, highlight Morrigan and hold Select, then highlight
Hsien-Ko and press A. For player two, highlight Felicia and hold
Select, then highlight Hsien-Ko and press A.

Play as Anita (Amanda):
For player one, highlight Morrigan, hold Select, move the pointer
to Donovan and press A. For player two, highlight Felicia, hold
Select, move the pointer to Donovan, and press A.

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