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Spyro Orange: The Cortex Conspiracy

Cheat mode:
Press "L + R" at the "Mode" menu, then enter one of the following codes
to activate the corresponding cheat function. 

100 Gems:
Enter "V1S10NS" as a code.

200 Gems:
Enter "T4P10C4" as a code.

Sheep enemies:
Enter "SH33P" as a code.

Orange game:
Enter "SP4RX" as a code.

Purple game:
Enter "P0RT4L" as a code.

Grey game:
Enter "G3MZ" as a code.

Orange Spyro:
Enter "SPYR0"(0 = zero) as a code.

Flying sheep instead of flame:
Enter "B41S0KV" as a code.

Rare "O Sheep" card:
Enter "S0YB34N" as a code.

Rare "Stone Riptoc" card:
Enter "V4N1LL4" as a code.

Crash Party USA mini-game:
Hold "L + R" and turn on the Game Boy Advance. 

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