Konjiki no Gashbell! The Card Battle
Enter one of passwords, then defeat the indicated opponent or mini-game to unlock the corresponding card.
Card: Defeat Kanchome to get Keith (Song of Joy)
Password: Kanchome (Green), Gash Bell (Black), Kanchome (Green), Gash Bell (Red), Kanchome (Green)
Card: Defeat Kiyomaro Takamine to get Ted (Fighting Pose)
Password: Gash Bell (Black), Umagon (Green), Tio (Blue), Gash Bell (Yellow), Gash Bell (Red)
Card: Beat Megumi Ooumi to get Baruto ForusUmagon (PR-27)
Password: Kanchome (Red), Kanchome (Blue), Tio (Green), Kanchome (Yellow), Kanchome (Black)
Card: Win the mini-game to get Groan! Electric Shock of Friendship
Password: Umagon (Black), Umagon (Green), Umagon (Red), Gash Bell (Blue), Umagon (Yellow)
Card: Win the mini-game to get Groan! Electric Shock of Friendship 2
Password: Brago (Red), Brago (Blue), Brago (Yellow), Kanchome (Green), Brago (Black)
Card: Card: Win the mini-game to get Raozaruku
Password: Gash Bell (Red), Gash Bell (Blue), Gash Bell (Yellow), Tio (Green), Gash Bell (Black)
Card: Win the mini-game to get ZaguruzemUmagon (PR-23)
Password: Kanchome (Black), Kanchome (Green), Kanchome (red), Umagon (Blue), Kanchome (Yellow)
Card: Win the mini-game to get ZaguruzemUmagon (PR-24)
Password: Tio (Red), Tio (Blue), Tio (Yellow), Brago (Green), Tio (Black)
Card: Defeat Naomi to get Gash Bell and Brago (Red and Black)
Password: Brago (Black), Gash Bell (Red), Gash Bell (Green), Gash Bell (Blue), Brago (Black)
Card: Defeat Parco Falgore to get Baruto ForusUmagon (PR-26)
Password: Tio (Blue), Tio (Blue), Gash Bell (Black), Umagon (Green), Tio (Green)
Card: Defeat Sunbeam to get Black KnighTio (Keeper of Book)
Password: Umagon (Red), Umagon (Black), Brago (Red), Gash Bell (Yellow), Kanchome (Yellow)
Card: Defeat Suzume Mizuno to get The Gash Bell (Bold Dignity)
Password: Gash Bell (Red), Umagon (Blue), Gash Bell (Yellow), Umagon (Green), Gash Bell (Black)
Card: Defeat Tio to get Gash Bell (Child of Electric Shock)
Password: Tio (Red), Gash Bell (Black), Tio (Red), Tio (Blue), Tio (Red)
Card: Defeat Umagon to get Umagon (Run! Umagon)
Password: Umagon (Black), Gash Bell (Green), Brago (Black), Umagon (Red), Umagon (Green)
Card: Shining red book color and Event Card Card Battle for GBA
Password: Gash Bell (Red), Kanchome (Yellow), Tio (Black), Umagon (Yellow), Gash Bell (Red)