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The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe

Add five more consumable items to inventory: 
Pause game play, then press Left, A, Left, Select, Down(2). 

Increased attack:
Pause game play, then press Up, Down, Select(2), Down, Up. 

Restore health:
Pause game play, then press Select, Right, A, Left(2), Right. 

Level skip:
Pause game play, then press Up, Right, Down, Left(2), Right. 

Level select:
Press Right, Left, Up(2), Left, Right at the chapter selection screen.

Body temperature does not decrease:
Pause game play, then press Right, Left(2), Down, Up, Select. 

Slippery ground:
Pause game play, then press A, L, Select, A, Right, Up. 

Pause game play, then press Right, L, Down, A, Left, Select. 

Snowy weather:
Pause game play, then press A, L, Select, R, Right(2). 

Armor costume:
Pause game play during a winter level, then press A, Select, Left,
Down, Right, Up.

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