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Star Wars: Episode 2 - Attack of the Clones

Level passwords:

Level   Apprentice  Padawan     Knight      Master  
2       BLDBGP      JFCBCB      JFCGCG      JFCLCL 
3       BMFBHN      JFDBSB      JFDGSG      JFDLSL 
4       BMGBDN      JFFBTB      JFFGTG      JFFLTL 
5       BMHBFN      JFGBQB      JFGGQG      JFGLQL 
6       BMKBCN      JFHBRB      JFHGRG      JFHLRL 
7       BMLBSN      JFKBPB      JFKGPG      JFKLPL 
8       BMMGTS      JFLBLB      JFLGLG      JFLLLL 
9       BMNGQS      JFMBMB      JFMGMG      JFMLML 
10      BMPGRS      BGPBRK      BJPGRM      BHPLRS 
11      BLQGNT      BGQBNK      BGQGNP      BHQLNS 
End     BGRBPK      BHRGPN      BHRLPS 

Extra life:
When starting a new game, instead of selecting "Start", enter the "Password" 
screen and press Start. You will get four lives to begin with instead of the 
normal three. 

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