Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge
Class X (Shadow) tournament:
Win the Class S (Master) tournament.
Class Y (Ashura) tournament:
Win the Class X tournament.
Class Z (Chaos):
Win the Class Y tournament.
Yami Net Area (Survival):
Win the Class Z tournament.
AntiElec Chip:
Win tournament 32.
AntiFire Chip:
Win tournament 32.
AntiWatr Chip:
Win tournament 32.
Anubis Chip:
Win tournament 16.
Aqua+40 Chip:
Win tournament 64.
AquaCust Chip:
Win tournament 128.
Atk+30 Chip:
Win tournament 64.
BigBomb Chip:
Win tournament 16.
BlckHole Chip:
Win tournament 128.
DblSnsr Chip:
Win tournament 16.
DropDown Chip:
Win tournament 32.
Elec+40 Chip:
Win tournament 64.
ElecTeam Chip:
Win tournament 128.
Fire+40 Chip:
Win tournament 64.
FireRat Chip:
Win tournament 16.
Forte GS Chip:
Win the Yami Net Area survival tournament by defeating Forte GS.
FrntSnsr Chip:
Win tournament 16.
Geyser Chip:
Win tournament 32.
GodStone Chip:
Win tournament 32.
HeatGuts Chip:
Win tournament 128.
Kunai3 Chip:
Win tournament 64.
LavaDrgn Chip:
Win tournament 32.
Navi+40 (rare) Chip:
Win tournament 64.
OldWood Chip:
Win tournament 32.
Popup Chip:
Win tournament 128.
Recov200 Chip:
Win tournament 16.
Saito Style Chip:
Enter NE-tsu-TO as your name in the tournament, then enter
M9L1-24TZ-OQNU-MFZL-A6SY-HSA1 as a tournament code.
TimeBom3 Chip:
Win tournament 16.
UnderSht Chip:
Win tournament 16.
Wood+40 Chip:
Win tournament 64.
WoodShld Chip:
Win tournament 128.