Battle Arena Toshinden
P1 Infinite Health 801BC188 0000
P1 75% Health D01BC188 0000
801BC188 00F6
P1 50% Health D01BC188 0000
801BC188 01C0
P1 25% Health D01BC188 0000
801BC188 0288
P1 No Health 801BC18A 0001
P1 FAKE Infinite Health 801B82D0 00FE
Infinite Time 801CA6E8 0B3A
P1 Has No Arms 801BC11C 000A
P1 Has No Arms or Legs 801BC11C 0005
P1 is Only A Head 801BC11C 0001
P1 is Invisible 801BC11C 0000
P1 has No Arms, Legs, or Torso 801BC11C 0003
P1 has No right Arm 801BC11C 000E
P1's Right H& has No Weapon 801BC11C 0017
P1's Left H& has No Weapon 801BC11C 001C
P1 is Completely Weaponless 801BC11C 001A
P1 is Automatically Controlled & Defending 801BC118 0150
P1 is Controlled & Usally Wins 801BC116 002F
P1 Falls & Dies before The Match 801BC188 0E20
P1 Automatically Wins 801BC1E8 0000
P1 Can Fight Before The Match Starts 801BC1D4 0000
P1 Can't Be Knocked Down 801BC18C 0000
P1 Tiny Jump 801BC1C0 0550
P1 Does Everything P2 Does, Mirror Match 801BC118 0000
P1 is Aways His Alternate Color 801BC154 0003
P1 is Always His Normal Color 801BC154 0002
P1 Can't Hurt P2 in Some Ways 801BC196 0000
P1 Can Do Some Special Moves in Mid-Air 801BC15C 0000
P1 is In SLOW-MO 801BC172 0000
P1 is a Punching Bag (Can't Move) 801BC170 0000
P1 Can Do Desperation Moves at Any Time 801BC18A 000A
801B82D0 00FE
P1 or Computer is Spastic 801BC15A 0001
P1 Has Multi-Jumps 801BC15E 0000
P2 Infinite Health 801BC25C 0000
P2 75% Health D01BC25C 0000
801BC25C 01C0
P2 50% Health D01BC25C 0000
801BC25C 0288
P2 25% (1/4) Energy D01BC25C 0000
801BC25C 0288
P2 No Health 801BC25E 0001
P2 FAKE Infinite Health 801B82D2 00FE
P2 Has No Arms 801BC1F0 000A
P2 Has No Arms or Legs 801BC1F0 0005
P2 is Only A Head 801BC1F0 0001
P2 is Invisible 801BC1F0 0000
P2 Has No Right Arm 801BC1F0 000E
P2's Right H& Has No Weapon 801BC1F0 0017
P2's Left H& Has No Weapon 801BC1F0 001C
P2 is Completly Weaponless 801BC1F0 001A
P2 is Automatic & Defending 801BC1EC 0150
P2 is Automatic & Usally Wins 801BC1EA 002F
P2 falls & Dies Before The match Starts 801BC25C 0E20
P2 Automaticlly Wins 801BC2BC 0000
P2 can Fight Before The Match Starts 801BC2A8 0000
P2 can't be Knocked Down 801BC232 0000
P2 Tiny Jump 801BC294 0550
P2 is Characters Alternate Color 801BC228 0003
P2 is Characters Normal Color 801BC228 0002
P2 can't hurt P1 In Some Ways 801BC198 0000
P2 can Do Some Moves In MID-AIR 801BC230 0000
P2 is In SLOW-MO 801BC246 0000
P2 is A Punching Bag (cant move) 801BC244 0000
P2 Can Do Desperation Moves at Any time 801BC25E 000A
801B82D2 00FE
P2 or Computer is Spastic 801BC22E 0001
Multi-Jumps P2 801BC232 0000
Ring-Outs are Cooler 801BC1C6 0000
801BC29A 0000
P1 Has No Arms & Left Leg 801BC11C 0006
P1 Has No Arms, & Has Half of a Right Leg 801BC11C 0009
P1 is Missing 2/3 of Right Arm 801BC11C 0015
P1 is Missing 1/3 of Right Arm 801BC11C 0016
P2 Has No Arms, Legs, & Torso 801BC1F0 0003
P2 Has No Arms & Left Leg 801BC1F0 0006
P2 Has No Arms, & Has Half of a Right Leg 801BC1F0 0009
P2 is Missing 2/3 of Right Arm 801BC1F0 0015
P2 is Missing 1/3 of Right Arm 801BC1F0 0016
P2 Does Everything P1 Does; Mirror Match 801BC1EC 0000
Computer is Stupid; Doesn't Fight Very Much 801BC236 0000
801BC162 0000
Each Round Lasts 5 Seconds D01CA6E8 0B3A
801CA6E8 000A