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CODE    KEY IN . . .    EFFECT . . .
1.      FDB0-E4DB       Start with 1/4 energy
2.      4CB0-E4DB       Start with 1/2 energy
3.      73B0-E4DB       Start with 3/4 energy
4.      C208-87D1       Infinite energy
5.      C203-84D1       Get hit and become invincible
6.      FDDB-5FB9       Don't flash after getting hit
7.      3C03-8F61       Almost invincible
8.      C2F4-7FD1       Falling doesn't use any life points
9.      C27D-8701       Special moves don't use any life points
10.     D6D7-8F20       Some bullets do 2x damage
11.     DDD7-8F20       Some bullets do no damage
12.     EED7-8F20       Some bullets kill you
13.     DB78-84B0       Some enemy punches electrocute you
14.     DD78-84B0       Some enemy punches do no damage
15.     EE78-84B0       Some enemy punches kill you
16.     DBB0-EFA3 + DBCF-8763   Guys with pipes do 2x damage
17.     DDB0-EFA3 + DDCF-8763   Guys with pipes do no damage
18.     EEB0-EFA3 + EECF-8763   Guys with pipes kill
19.     DB4B-7DF1 + DB43-E4F9   Flaming bottles do 2x damage
20.     DD4B-7DF1 + DD43-E4F9   Flaming bottles do no damage
21.     EE4B-7DF1 + EE43-E4F9   Flaming bottles kill

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