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Cutthroat Island

1.      C92C-47D8       No enemies and bosses are invisible
2.      FD68-34C7 + FD82-370B   Start with 1/2 energy
3.      F268-34C7 + F282-370B   Start with 3/4 energy
4.      50C7-3DD8       1 hit kills almost everything
5.      DFEA-34A1       Start with 1 life
6.      D9EA-34A1       Start with 5 lives
7.      DBEA-34A1       Start with 9 lives
8.      DEEA-34A1       Start with 15 lives
9.      FBEA-34A1       Start with 25 lives
10.     CBC1-3D60       Infinite lives

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