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Super Bowl

APUXLZIA        10 minutes per quarter instead of 5
AZUXLZIA        20 minutes per quarter
ZAUXLZIA        2 minutes per quarter
SXNXPZVG        Freeze timer for continuous play (Press reset to stop)
AAOATTTA        Touchdown scores 0 instead of 6-player 1
AEOEVITA        Touchdown scores 0-player 2 or computer
LAOATTTA        Touchdown scores 3-player 1
LEOEVITA        Touchdown scores 3-player 2 or computer
PAOATTTE        Touchdown scores 9-player 1
PEOEVITE        Touchdown scores 9-player 2 or computer
GAOATTTE        Touchdown scores 12-player 1
GEOEVITE        Touchdown scores 12-player 2 or computer
AAEALYPA        Extra-point kick scores 0 instead of 1-player 1
AEEEUTPA        Extra-point kick scores 0-player 2 or computer
ZAEALYPA        Extra-point kick scores 2-player 1
ZEEEUTPA        Extra-point kick scores 2-player 2 or computer
LAEALYPA        Extra-point kick scores 3-player 1
LEEEUTPA        Extra-point kick scores 3-player 2 or computer
TAEALYPA        Extra-point kick scores 6-player 1
TEEEUTPA        Extra-point kick scores 6-player 2 or computer
AEKAGGLA        Field goal scores 0 instead of 3-player 1
AAKEKGLA        Field goal scores 0-player 2 or computer
PEKAGGLA        Field goal scores 1-player 1
PAKEKGLA        Field goal scores 1-player 2 or computer
TEKAGGLA        Field goal scores 6-player 1
TAKEKGLA        Field goal scores 6-player 2 or computer
PEKAGGLE        Field goal scores 9-player 1
PAKEKGLE        Field goal scores 9-player 2 or computer
AASASIZA        Safety scores 0 instead of 2-player 1
AEKEIIZA        Safety scores 0-player 2 or computer
PASASIZA        Safety scores 1-player 1
PEKEIIZA        Safety scores 1-player 2 or computer
GASASIZA        Safety scores 4-player 1
GEKEIIZA        Safety scores 4-player 2 or computer
TASASIZA        Safety scores 6-player 1
TEKEIIZA        Safety scores 6-player 2 or computer

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