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WWF Super Wrestlemania

2       5CWA-CAEE       Player 1 starts with 3/4 energy
3       WCWA-CAEE       Player 1 starts with 1/2 energy
4       KCWA-CAEE       Player 1 starts with 1/4 energy  
5       5CWT-CAFG       Player 2 starts with 3/4 energy
6       WCWT-CAFG       Player 2 starts with 1/2 energy
7       KCWT-CAFG       Player 2 starts with 1/4 energy
8       DWCA-CACJ       Kick does no damage
9       ACCA-CAAR       Punch does no damage
10      CCCA-CABA       Elbow drop does no damage
11      ACCA-CABC       Stomp does no damage
12      ACCA-CABE       Flying dropkick does no damage   
13      ACCA-CAA8       Body slam does no damage
14      ACCA-CJBJ       Head butt does no damage
15      ACCA-CAB2       Suplex does no damage
16      ACCA-CABG       Hiptoss does no damage
17      BWCA-CABY       Clothesline does no damage
18      DWCA-DTCJ       Kick does more damage
19      DCCA-CAAR       Punch does more damage
20      CCCA-DAKA       Elbow drop does more damage
21      ACCA-DABC       Stomp does more damage
22      GCCA-CABE       Flying dropkick does more damage         
23      HWCA-CAA8       Body slam does more damage
24      CCCA-CJBJ       Head butt does more damage
25      FLCA-CAB2       Suplex does more damage
26      D4CA-CABG       Hiptoss does more damage
27      BWCA-CJKY       Clothesline does more damage
28      DWCA-DALJ       Kick does a lot more damage
29      GCCA-CAAR       Punch does a lot more damage
30      CCCA-CA3A       Elbow drop does a lot more damage
31      ACCA-DAKC       Stomp does a lot more damage
32      NCCA-CABE       Flying dropkick does a lot more damage   
33      SCCA-CAA8       Body slam does a lot more damage
34      GCCA-CJBJ       Head butt does a lot more damage
35      LWCA-CAB2       Suplex does a lot more damage
36      HWCA-CABG       Hiptoss does a lot more damage
37      BWCA-CTVY       Clothesline does a lot more damage

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