Quad Challenge
1 ML3T-FYVJ Set time to 90 for Atlanta and
New York instead of 75 and 80
2 JG3T-ECVJ Set time to 65 for Atlanta and New York
3 M83T-F8VL Set time to 95 for Santa Fe and Miami
instead of 80 and 75 4 J43T-ENVL Set time to 70 for Santa Fe and Miami
5 M83T-F8VN Set time to 95 for Grand Canyon and
Denver instead of 80 and 85
6 J43T-ENVN Set time to 70 for Grand Canyon and Denver
7 M83T-F8VR Set time to 95 for Detroit and Death
Valley instead of 70 and 85
8 J43T-ENVR Set time to 70 for Detroit and Death Valley
9 L03T-FYVT Set time for Honolulu to 90 instead of 75
10 L03T-ECVT Set time for Honolulu to 65
11 A5NT-AA9E Infinite time--player 1
12 A5PA-AA4W Infinite time--player 2
13 HT9A-DARJ + M69A-CAGL Set time to 95 for all tracks
14 HT9A-DARJ + JE9A-CAGL Set time to 65 for all tracks
15 HT7T-BEJL + NA7T-ACAN Accelerate faster--player #1
16 HT7T-BESG + NA7T-ACHJ Accelerate faster--player #2
Remember, you can pick 'n mix your codes!