Garfield: Caught in the Act
1. A02A-EAD4 Start with 5 shots
2. KR2A-EAD4 Start with 50 shots
3. NR2A-EAD4 Start with 99 shots
4. RHCA-E6Y2 + RHCA-E6Y4 Infinite ammo when standing
5. AA6A-CAGY + AA6A-CAHA Can't collect any ammo
6. RHYT-E61T + RHYT-E61W Infinite lives
7. AA5A-CAD4 Can't collect any energy
8. ADZT-EACC + RGZA-A6YJ + RGZA A6YL Don't lose energy
9. AG2A-EADC Start with very little energy energy
10. A02A-EADC Start with half energy
11. BC2A-EADC Start with about 3/4 energy
12. RHDT-A6T8 + RHDT-A6VA 1 hit and you're invincible