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688 Attack Sub

1       AALT-CNE2 + AALT-CNGR   6 torpedoes--Torpex '89 mission
2       AALT-CNE8 + A2LT-CAGY   6 torpedoes--Shake 'Em mission
3       A2LT-CAG4       6 torpedoes--Sub Ops mission
4       AALT-CNFE       6 torpedoes--Mumar Cadaver mission
5       AALT-CNFL + A2LT-CAHA   6 torpedoes--Escape mission
6       AALT-CNFT       6 torpedoes--Goulash mission
7       AALT-CNF0 + A2LT-CAHG   6 torpedoes--Cat Walk mission
8       AALT-CNF6 + A2LT-CAHN   6 torpedoes--Surprise Party mission
9       AALT-CNGC + A2LT-CAHW   6 torpedoes--Homecoming mission
10      AALT-CNGJ       6 torpedoes--Hit and Run mission
11      AALT-CAN2 + AALT-CARR   32 torpedoes--Torpex '89 mission
12      AALT-CAN8 + EALT-CAGY   32 torpedoes--Shake 'Em mission
13      EALT-CAG4       32 torpedoes--Sub Ops mission
14      AALT-CAPE       32 torpedoes--Mumar Cadaver mission
15      AALT-CAPL + EALT-CAHA   32 torpedoes--Escape mission
16      AALT-CAPT       32 torpedoes--Goulash mission
17      AALT-CAP0 + EALT-CAHG   32 torpedoes--Cat Walk mission
18      AALT-CAP6 + EALT-CAHN   32 torpedoes--Surprise Party mission
19      AALT-CARC + EALT-CAHW   32 torpedoes--Homecoming mission
20      AALT-CARJ       32 torpedoes--Hit and Run mission
21      A2LT-DAE6 + A2LT-DAGW   16 missiles--Torpex '89 mission
22      A2LT-DAFC       16 missiles--Shake 'Em mission
23      A2LT-DAFJ       16 missiles--Mumar Cadaver mission
24      A2LT-DAFR       16 missiles--Escape mission
25      A2LT-DAFY       16 missiles--Goulash mission
26      A2LT-DAF4       16 missiles--Cat Walk mission
27      A2LT-DAGA       16 missiles--Surprise Party mission
28      A2LT-DAGG       16 missiles--Homecoming mission
29      CALT-CAGL       16 missiles--Hit and Run mission
30      AALT-CAE2 + AALT-CAE6 + REHT-A6ZY       All subs carry 0 torpedoes
31      AYLT-CLE2 + AALT-CAE6 +         All subs carry 5 torpedoes
32      AYLT-CLE2 + AYLT-CLE6 +         All subs carry 5 torpedoes, 5 missiles and 5    
        REHTA6ZY        noisemakers
33      BJLT-CYE2 + AALT-CAE6 +         All subs carry 10 torpedoes, 0 missiles  
        REHT-A6ZY       and 0 noisemakers
34      BJLT-CYE2 + BJLT-CYE6 +         All subs carry 10 torpedoes, 10 missiles        
        REHT-A6ZY       and 10 noisemakers
35      B6LT-C8E2 + B6LT-C8E6 +         All subs carry 15 torpedoes, 15 missiles        
        REHT-A6ZY       and 15 noisemakers
36      DELT-DWE2 + DELT-DWE6 +         All subs carry 25 torpedoes, 25 missiles        
        REHT-A6ZY       and 25 noisemakers
37      AJHA-BT8L + HF9T-AJGL +         Emergency Surface manuever can be 
        AF9T-AAGN + 2THT-BGA4   performed 2x instead of only 1x
38      ATHA-BT8L + HF9T-AJGL +         Emergency Surface manuever can be 
        AF9T-AAGN + 2THT-BGA4   performed 4x
39      BAHA-BT8L + HF9T-AJGL + Emergency Surface manuever can be 
         AF9T-AAGN + 2THT-BGA4  performed 8x

40      A39T-AA8L       Emergency Surface manuever can be       performed infinite times

41      HEHT-AET4       Emergency Surface manuever cannot be 
        performed at all

42      ACAA-AAE8       Towed Array may be redeployed after 
        it has been cut

43      9THT-BGKA + AAHT-B73C +         Towed Array already cut (unavailable) 
        SAHT-A6VG       at start of mission

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