F-15 Strike Eagle
0A3-88C-912 Start with 10 sidewinders
323-88C-912 Start with 50 sidewinders
5A3-88C-912 Start with 90 sidewinders
0A3-8DC-D56 Start with 10 mavericks
323-8DC-D56 Start with 50 mavericks
5A3-8DC-D56 Start with 90 mavericks
0A3-92C-80A Start with 10 E.C.M.
323-92C-80A Start with 50 E.C.M.
5A3-92C-80A Start with 90 E.C.M.
023-9BC-E66 + 013-9AC-6EA Start with 513 bullets
083-9BC-E66 + 013-9AC-6EA Start with 2049 bullets
103-9BC-E66 + 013-9AC-6EA Start with 4097 bullets
FAA-52D-4C1 Infinite bullets
FA8-EEF-4C1 Infinite sidewinders
FA8-ABF-4C1 Infinite mavericks
013-BCC-E62 Fly very slowly
093-BCC-E62 Fly at supersonic speed
FA8-5BF-4C1 Infinite E.C.M.